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Oh my god oh my god oh my god Sugar!!!  Sugar-baby-love finally makes her appearance!  Waaaai!  Waaaai!  I'm messing myself with excitement here.  I feel like a god-damn-jesus-h-mo-fo for not updating more frequently, you know?  But, like, school is totally sucking big sweaty donkey balls over here and takes up the majority of my time. Excuses excuses I know.  But expect lots of thrilling and tickling plots in the days to come!  Lots of material out there.  "Sugar experiences the joys of owning a fish while exploring her individuality."  And so forth.  Love to the world!


Yes it IS just a gag strip this week. So sue me. At least it's something new for ya'll to ogle. Exl has apparently died, and is now decomposing all over his keyboard in some ratty apartment building in the southwestern US. Maybe it's for the best.

Q: Why do I draw these buggers (the QS characters) in close up headshots?

A: I'm still working out the details on some of the character's bodies, and I'm a lazy son of a bitch.



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